Monday, September 7, 2009

Let the Reading Begin!

Okay, people... here we go! Come one, come all! We want everyone to join! We are starting a book club, and by "we" I mean our family, which encompasses a lot of people. For Labor Day weekend, Jeff, Marion, Mark, Janelle, and Sam came down to our house. It was a wonderful time complete with relaxing, eating, talking, and just enjoying time together. We decided that it would be so neat to start a book club, and so here it is. Anyone can be in it, all you have to do is get the book and read it. Everyone is very busy, so the time period for each book will be lengthy. Our first book is....(drum roll, please) THE SHACK. Many of us have already read it, but it is so powerful and it has been long enough that we are ready to read it again! This book will be "in session" until Thanksgiving, so everyone has plenty of time to read. The way the blog is going to work is like this... Any person can create a new post or leave a comment on a previous post; that is the beauty of using this format. It is informal and convenient for everyone. If you would like the instructions emailed to you about how to create a post (user name, password, etc.) you can email me at or just leave a comment on here with your email address, and I will email you! I hope you will participate!
Lots of love and reading, Karla

Family Fun on Labor Day in Ada